Hello! I’m Aabha Deshpande (Tumbde), a graphic designer from India with a strong background in in visual communication, branding and digital media. Relocated to the UK in 2024, I’m super excited to bring my creative expertise to new opportunities in the field of design and brand management out here. 
I love to explore, experiment, scribble, mind map and try and break the grids. This is something that helps me bring an edge at my work. Design has taught me to observe the mundane things from a different lens and has helped me develop an eye for detail. While experiences and trial and errors help me evolve, I am a keen learner and stay abreast with the latest trends.
my last 4 years working in Digital Advertising:
Coming from a branding and print background, I was fairly new to this industry. 4+ years working at Interactive Avenues - a digital agency, my outlook has taken a complete twist. Everything combined together - Print, Social, Media, Strategy Insights, and SEO integration can take your idea to a whole new level.
I started with just working on individual creatives and walked out having worked on Hero, Hub and Hygiene ideas for brands, chipped in on multiple pitches, brand strategies, independently lead multiple accounts, worked on an app design and even managed shoots. I made mistakes along the way no doubt, but acknowledged and worked on them and believe they were all amazing learning experiences. I had the best of mentors who were an inspiration, and at times just threw me in water to let me figure it all out and I owe it to them for believing in me and always having my back.
Proud to say that I have grown as a designer in these past years and the experiences have truly lead me to believe that this is what I am passionate about.
Some things that stuck my eye with respect to design when I moved out here:
Be it the signage at the crossings, in trains, everywhere around to be honest, the usage of handwritten type in restaurants and boards, the branding so minimal and clean and such fun packaging by the brands, it just made me very happy as a designer. I was particularly impressed with the design and layout when I got my gas bill, OMG it’s so well designed in terms of typography and hierarchy. Looking at all these things around me, I can’t wait to see for myself what I can bring to the table.
My recent favourite work from the industry:
Inside Out 2 Movie’s advertising and promotions
Apart from Design:
Board Games, Road Trips, photographing Spaces, collecting Mugs, Cloud gazing & things like that…
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